Like a Thief in the Night

Like a Thief in the Night

End of the World Predictions Gone Wrong

End of the World Predictions Gone Wrong

The Coming Millennium

The Coming Millennium

The Doomsday Clock is Ticking

The Doomsday Clock is Ticking

Will You be Left Behind?

Will You be Left Behind?

Featured Media

Return of the Cosmic King

Return of the Cosmic King

Why Follow Jesus

Why Follow Jesus

The Great Judgment Day

The Great Judgment Day

The Coming King

The Coming King

Revelation's Rapture

Revelation's Rapture

Second Coming or Second Chance?

Second Coming or Second Chance?

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Will the church go through the tribulation?
Will the church go through the tribulation? Were t...
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Why God Said Remember
A classic and inspiring look at the Sabbath - God'...
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How close are we to the Second Coming?
For those who are invested in it and are ...
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Now you can dig deeper into the teachings of the Bible through this free online Bible course. These Bible Study Guides are easy to follow and can be studied at your own pace....
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The Secret Rapture
Exposes the numerous errors of the prevalent secre...
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Rapture Hymns
The soon return of Jesus inspired musicians to express hope in the second coming of Christ. Enjoy listening to this selection of hymns or download sheet music and guitar chords....
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What do you know about the second coming of Christ? How does it match with the teachings of Scripture? Take this short rapture quiz and find out!...
Rapture Audio »
Does Jesus bring with Him the believers who have died when He comes?
Who will be with Jesus when He returns to take His...
Anything But Secret »
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This compact book concisely explains the Bible’s teaching about the rapture. Ask for your free copy and discover exactly how Christ will return....
Rapture FAQ »
Will there be a pre-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture?
The pre-tribulation vs. post-tribulation ...
Rapture FAQ »
When is the end of the world?
People have speculated for thousands of y...

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